Parents: Reach Out As a Family
In the sacrament of Reconciliation, God forgives our sins and shares his gift of peace with us. We receive the grace of the Holy Spirit to share the gifts of forgiveness and peace with others. Bringing peace was essential to Jesus’ ministry on earth. As Catholics, we are called to continue his peacemaking ministry. We must take a firm stand against violence and hatred in our world.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” (Based on Matthew 5:9)
- Organize activities for children at a family violence shelter. Activities could include tutoring, crafts, games, music, sports, or reading books. To locate a shelter near you, call your diocesan office or Catholic Charities.
- Write, sign, and commit to keeping a peace pledge. Brainstorm ways in which you can live peacemaking lives. Put the ideas into the form of a pledge. Invite all members of the family to sign and commit to keeping the pledge. Post the pledge in your home where it can serve as a reminder.
- Organize a neighborhood block party. Invite all the neighbors to gather outside for an evening to get to know one another. Lead games for the children. Consider taking pictures of each household and making a neighborhood directory.