About RCL benziger's sacrament programs

Prepare children for a lifetime of celebrating the
sacramental life of Church!

The sacramental life is central to who we are as Catholic followers of Jesus Christ

RCL Benziger offers four different series that meet every criteria a teacher, catechist, pastor, catechetical leader and a parent may set for sacramental preparation. Scripture, Doctrine, ritual and prayer are stressed throughout every program, yet each uses a different approach to welcome children and young people into a living relationship with Jesus, and each invites the whole community to join in a heartfelt celebration of the sacraments.

Reconciliation: Pardon and Peace and Eucharist: We Give Thanks and Praise use a story-telling approach to help children connect Scripture with real-life stories and to live God’s Word. This program is available for both primary and intermediate levels, in English and bilingual editions.

The Reconciliation: We are your people, the sheep of your flock and Eucharist: Do this in memory of me and Confirmation: Filled with the Holy Spirit, they proclaimed the Lord Jesus series emphasizes ritual as the key to a unique and highly effective catechetical lesson plan that helps children experience sacraments and gradually come to know the mysteries of our faith.

Scripture is at the core of every lesson, and children learn that everything in life is a gift with The Gift of Reconciliation, The Gift of Eucharist and The Gift of the Spirit series.

The bestselling series, We Celebrate the Eucharist and We Celebrate Reconciliation (The Good Shepherd for early grades and The Lord Forgives for intermediate grades) includes child’s book, family guide, catechist guide, program director’s manual, and celebrations book.